Friday, June 5, 2009


The cause of all this awfulness that I've been dealing with medically. Hashimoto's Disease. I have every symptom...and my bloodwork came back positive. Only problem is that my bloodwork is so confusing. (I won't worry you all yet.) I got a referall to the endocrinologist. So....hopefully I'll be feeling better soon and start losing this weight!

Hubsters comes home this afternoon for his 2 weeks R&R!! So, I'll be MIA for a little while. :0)


JoanneK said...

Fortunately once your thyroid hormone levels are back to normal with medication, everything will be fine! Very treatable...then the weight you gained from the hypoactive thyroid will come off...(hopefully easily). Thinking of you!

Patti H said...

Hope there will be some answers and enjoy your r&r for the next two weeks

ChristyR said...

i'm gonna guess what your doing right now...humping? what is hirimoto....thingy. can't wait till you are un-mia.

Heather Plank said...

I'm on meds for Thyroid too...just cause I am so flipping tired all the time. And I'm like you - can't seem to loose weight. I hope you feel better soon!
And I hope you're enjoying your hubby!!!!