Matthew left yesterday for a 12 to 18 month deployment. We had to be at HQ at 9:30, but he didn't get on the bus until 11:30. We stayed with him until a few minutes before he left. I wanted to get out of there before the rest of the crowd...and I didn't want to have a major melt-down in front of hundreds of strangers. I did pretty well until he put on his sunglasses. He was crying. Joshua didn't really understand, but he kept kissing Matt's face and patting his cheek. Yep, it got me! The young people did better than me! Although, last night I had three criers at bed time. Which, of course, got me going for a bit. I talked to him for a few minutes when he got to Cherry Point. He texted me as they were taking off. He was about an hour away until 6:36 last night, and we couldn't be with him. I understand why, but it still sucks. I am waiting for his call or something to let me know they made it to Kuwait. Here are a few pictures. Joshua did not want to be in any of them!
This just made me cry AGAIN...I know this is so hard for all of you. Just love you Nicole and I am here ANYTIME you need an ear to bend or a shoulder to cry on..
Aw, girl, I'm sorry....we've been through the deployments so many times in our family, but I've never had to see my husband off to war. I can't imagine how hard that must be. I'm here if you need me, and you can call me anytime. Seriously! 574-361-9315
Hey sweetie. This to shall pass. I'm here if you wanna cry on my shoulder.
This just made me cry AGAIN...I know this is so hard for all of you. Just love you Nicole and I am here ANYTIME you need an ear to bend or a shoulder to cry on..
Love ya girl ;)
Nicole I know this is hard for you & the kids.Will be keeping Matt in my prayers as well as you and sending you big hugs and kisses!!
Aw, girl, I'm sorry....we've been through the deployments so many times in our family, but I've never had to see my husband off to war. I can't imagine how hard that must be. I'm here if you need me, and you can call me anytime. Seriously! 574-361-9315
Nicole, you and your family will stay close in my heart for these next months as you adjust to time without your guy!!!
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