Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Since it is Caleb's birthday, I let him pick the winners! He chose Christine (scrappygal), Adrienne, and Marlene! E-mail me your snail mail addresses, and I'll get your RAKs on the way!! Congrats ladies!

Thank you everyone for posting! I REALLY enjoyed reading your posts! :0)


Unknown said...

Awww thanks so much for the RAK ~ so sweet of you. Hope Caleb had a fantastic birthday :)

Unknown said...

*raises roof* Woot woot!

Thank you so much! :D
Now off to find your e-mail... or I will just do it on Tally... *nods*

ChristyR said...

glad you are back to bloggin'! happy birthday caleb!

scrappygal said...

Thanks! Hope all is going well in your neck of the woods!